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 1 - 25 of 33 Games 

GAUZY Simon vs LEBRUN Alexis: French Championships Final 2023: Quali-3
BERTRAND Irvin vs LEBRUN Alexis: French Championships 1/16 Final 2022: Quali-2
CASSIN Alexandre vs PORET Thibault: French Championships 1/16 Final 2022: Quali-2
AKKUZU Can vs LEBRUN Felix: French Championships 1/8 Final 2022: +++ Quali-2
BROSSIER Benjamin vs GAUZY Simon: French Championships 1/8 Final 2022: +++ Quali-2
GAUZY Simon vs ROLLAND Jules: French Championships 1/4 Final 2022: Quali-2
LEBRUN Alexis vs OUAICHE Stephane: French Championships 1/4 Final 2022: +++ Quali-2
CASSIN Alexandre vs GAUZY Simon: French Championships 1/2 Final 2022: +++ Quali-2
LEBRUN Alexis vs LEBRUN Felix: French Championships 1/2 Final 2022: +++ Quali-2
GAUZY Simon vs LEBRUN Alexis: French Championships Final 2022: +++ Quali-2
LEBRUN Felix vs PORET Thibault: French Championships Final 2022: Quali-3
LEBRUN Felix vs ROBINOT Quentin: French Championships 1/16 Final 2021: Quali-3
BOULOUSSA Mehdi vs GAUZY Simon: French Championships 1/8 Final 2021: Quali-3
HACHARD Antoine vs RUIZ Romain: French Championships 1/8 Final 2021: Quali-3
GAUZY Simon vs OUAICHE Stephane: French Championships 1/4 Final 2021: Quali-3
GAUZY Simon vs LEBRUN Alexis: French Championships 1/2 Final 2021: +++ Quali-3
PROVOST Damien vs RUIZ Romain: French Championships 1/2 Final 2021: Quali-3
GAUZY Simon vs RUIZ Romain: French Championships Final 2021: +++ Quali-3
GAUZY Simon vs LANDRIEU Andrea: French Championships 1/2 Final 2020: +++ Quali-3
GAUZY Simon vs ROBINOT Quentin: French Championships Final 2020: +++ Quali-2
GAUZY Simon vs HACHARD Antoine: French Championships 1/4 Final 2019: Quali-3 +++++
PETIOT Jeremy vs ROBINOT Quentin: French Championships 1/4 Final Different View 2019: Quali-3
FLORE Tristan vs HACHARD Antoine: French Championships 1/2 Final 2019: Quali-3
AKKUZU Can vs PETIOT Jeremy: French Championships 1/2 Final 2019: Quali-3 ++++
AKKUZU Can vs HACHARD Antoine: French Championships Final 2019: +++ Quali-3

(01)- (02) -

-- FLORE Tristan (115) vs LANDRIEU Andrea (130) --

-- French Championships: 1/4 Final 2019 --
-- Uploader: alexis92130 --
-- Quality: 4

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